William F. Koch, Ph. D., M. D.

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Director, Radium Institute of New York


*Read before the American Association for the Prevention and Cure of Cancer, Atlantic City, N. J., May 27th, 1925.

ALL investigations of cancer center on the ultimate belief of finding a means of cure and prevention.

A brief year has developed an encouraging condition as regards a leaning of the medical profession toward an acceptance of the theory that cancer is traceable to constitutional causes. Notable progress is being made in the study of altered physiological processes rather than pathological findings.

Just now there are many research workers busy in their study of the different types of bacteria, protozoa, and direct toxin-forming substances, each patiently working out their original problem. Soon their effort may be coordinated as we are brought aware of changes in metabolism during the cancer period of life. There must be found both a reason for the broken immunity against malignant invasion and a formation of a suitable soil for cancer cell proliferation.

Plant cancer is comparable with the human type. Certain changes in plant vitality due to environment, age and chemistry are recognized to be similar to the history of malignancy in man. The acceptance by accredited authorities of the parasitic origin of cancer in plant life and in the lower animals seems to apply equally well in the human type. The entrance into the plant crown gall of an infectious parasite excites a rapid stimulation of cell division and proliferation, together with metastatic processes.

Koch (Detroit) has clearly evidenced his belief, after ten years of both clinical and laboratory effort, that the cause of cancer is met in the form of a toxin-forming chemistry associated with metabolic deficiencies that act as an excitant stimulus to an outrageous and riotous cell growth which we term malignancy.

Doctor Koch claims further to have developed a synthetic antitoxin of chemical nature, which combines readily with the existing chemical processes of metabolism to serve as an active agent of attack. Clinically, within a few days after its application, there develops a train of characteristic reactions that are easily checked up. A primary tonic effect is frequently met, followed by some eight or ten weeks of stormy reactions, which generally reach their height, near the end of the third month. This phenomenon is largely due to the absorption of toxins, and in the more severe cases we find an overwhelming toxic state presenting toward the end of this period.

It has been our experience that the malignant process attacked is brought under complete control so far as further advance is concerned, in at least 90 percent of our cases treated. This state of affairs is so common with us that we feel it well worth reporting. There seems to be no doubt but that the Koch synthetic antitoxin puts a stop to continued cancer cell proliferation.

Within ten days to two weeks there is a beginning retrogression of the mass, together with a transformation of its structure. Either the mass undergoes a process of degeneration or digestion. Reports from authoritative sources show the tissues undergoing digestive changes. At times the mass becomes exceedingly dense and hard, due to a form of calcific degeneration. Such masses are entirely inactive and can be counted on as taking at least a year to disappear.

Hemorrhage, odor and pain are greatly improved in the large majority of cases. Where pain is present it generally follows along with the temperature reactions associated with the rapid absorption of the cancer tissue. Cases showing open ulceration over wide areas naturally show more definite and troublesome reactions. We have rarely seen death caused by the toxic manifestations during the reaction stage. Fatalities seem to point to a break-up of body chemistry that is so complete that it cannot be renewed or built up. Therefore, our present plan is to accept no case for treatment that exhibits marked anemia, serious kidney deficiency or well-defined cancer cachexia. Such conditions spell failure more surely than does extensive malignant involvement. Patients who have received heavy radiation with X-ray and radium do not do well.

In that the chemical processes established under this treatment continue for many weeks, it is of the utmost necessity that the dietetic supervision, as outlined by Doctor Koch, be carried on carefully for many months and possibly for years.

During the first year of our work with the Koch Antitoxin we refrain from using it except in cases classed as 100 percent hopeless when considered from any other known treatment. While such a procedure is manifestly unfair to any treatment, the cures we have secured have impressed us tremendously. From a classified group of fifty cases of such a type, we show apparent cures in eighteen patients. Improvement in this series was marked with twenty-four patients and death resulted in eight cases.

In one independent group of clinical cases, conducted under the direction of Dr. Robert Shanaban, chief surgeon of St. John’s Hospital, Yonkers, New York, who held no faith in the treatment when presented to him, we undertook the care of ten patients. A very poor follow-up treatment was made, and interruptions were frequent. The final results of this work showed three cases of undoubted cancer alive and in splendid health after fifteen months. A copy of a letter from Doctor Shanahan presents an opinion that I think worthy of reporting.

“We are at present using the treatment in a number of cures as a prophylactic measure as well an adjunct to surgical treatment. In that the treatment is entirely harmless to the patient in good physical condition, we strongly advocate its more generous adoption.” The ethical cloud that has so unfortunately hovered over this treatment measure has not yet been lifted. No blame can justly be put upon the shoulders of Doctor Koch, and we are all working with the hope that very soon a better feeling will be exhibited by the members of the Wayne County Medical Society of Detroit that will result in the publication of all the true data, formulae, method of preparation and distribution of the Koch antitoxin.

We are presenting the following clinical histories of a few typical cases that will merit careful consideration:

CASE 1. Mrs. Alice B. Carcinoma of Breast. In July 1928, while in the country, noticed a swollen gland in left axilla about the size of a walnut. About the end of August two small glands appeared in left supraclavicular. No pain or tenderness. Went to see a family physician that referred the patient to Dr. Francis Carter Wood, who made a diagnosis of sarcoma. In October 1923, Doctor Wood gave her X-ray treatments for these glands. Treated every other week for two or three months. These glands practically disappeared January 1924, a lump appeared in the left breast. Doctor Wood gave her several X-ray treatments for this. Two weeks later treated gland in supraclavicular region. One week later told patient he could do nothing more for her, and referred her to a surgeon for operation, writing note to the surgeon that he had been treating her for Hodgkin’s disease. No loss of weight, appetite fine, no constipation. Two years ago Dr. Louis Martin performed a hysterectomy for uterine fibroid.

May 6, 1924: Examination preparatory to operation showed entire left breast solid with cancer, together with well-defined masses in axilla.

May 8, 1924: Gland taken from the area above the breast towards the axilla by Dr. Robert P. Wadhams. Tissue examined and found to be carcinoma by Dr. Joseph E. Connery. Operation deemed hopeless.

May 31, 1924: Koch formula treatment given. The gland in the left breast following operative procedure for specimen shows increase in size. Swelling extending upward above the breast structure.

June 5, 1924: Condition unchanged.

June 19, 1924: Slight increase in the breast area, but a softening of the tissues noted.

July 8, 1924: Slight increase in breast mass. No change in the axillary nodule.

September 23, 1924: Weight increased four pounds. General health perfect. Lump under arm about 5 cm. in diameter, hard and inactive. Mass in breast filling about half of gland and is exceedingly hard.

October 7, 1924: Second Koch Treatment administered. General health and vitality improving. Red cell count 4,500,000. Appetite good.

November 24, 1924: No change in nodule in axilla. Mass in breast increased in size due to increased vascularity. Soft growth almost filling the entire gland. Nausea with some temperature active. Breast feverish and for twenty-four hour was expected to abscess. Heavy reaction lasting from November 6 to 24.

December 8, 1924: Considerable improvement. Patient active in teaching. Appetite again good. Remarkable attitude of the patient in feeling great faith in the treatment. Mass in breast reducing in size. Lump in axilla unchanged.

December 30, 1924: Continued improvement. No nausea. Patient states that she never felt better. Continued reduction of gland in breast. At present, about the size present in October 1924, but more dense in type. No pain or distress.

January 23, 1925: No change except increase in weight. Patient normally all right, has gained ten pounds. Now at best weight.

May 1, 1925: No abnormality found in axillary region. Inactive small mass still present at base of left breast. Very hard, resembling cartilage. No signs of activity. No other manifestations. Splendid health evidenced.

CASE II. Mrs. Sallie B. Wife of a physician, Carcinoma of Sigmoid. —Aged 53 years; mother of three children. Health began failing in year 1923. Lost weight, abdominal pain, constipation Consulted Dr. Gerry Margan, Washington, D. C., March 1924. X-ray examination showed cancerous mass at junction descending colon and sigmoid. This was easily discernible on palpitation. Operation (colostomy) by Dr. Charles White, of Washington, on March 17, 1924. Diagnosis of carcinoma was confirmed. Was given some X-ray treatments after operation. Loss of weight about twenty pounds. Did not seem to gain weight after operation up to July 9, when Koch Treatment was given. Ten days later weight was 114 1/2 pounds, a gain of 4 1/2 pounds. About the end of the third week there seemed to be some more reaction, and for several days did not feel quite so well. Appetite has been better since taking the treatment, and would say there has been a general improvement all around. She has more pep and color, some days looking a little better than others. Has had trouble in keeping the colostomy from closing up. Have to insert tube, and this gives her some pain and makes her nervous, and probably her off days could be attributed to that. Am afraid to let this close yet, as every four days I irrigate through the opening, but practically all-fecal matter passes through the rectum in the past several weeks. Have thought in the last few days the mass seemed smaller, but this may be due to too much enthusiasm. Husband just asked his wife what she thought of her condition since taking the Koch Treatment, and in her own words, ” I have improved and there is no doubt about it.”

October 21, 1924: Within three weeks following the Koch Treatment the colostomy wound started to heal up rapidly. Weight steadily increasing and appetite excellent. Examination shows rectal mass materially less. Mass at sigmoid region barely palpable but probably about 2 x 8 inches. No tendency to obstruction. Bowel movement good. Developed an abscess on the line of incision, which reached the size of a grapefruit and broke, bringing out a large mass of pus and blood. Temperature up to 103° and marked prostration followed. Ten days later, opening in abdominal wall about the size of a half-dollar, with healthy edges and signs of healing. In December reports showed wound healed, but patient much weaker.

January 12, 1925: Patient continued weak. Bowel actions sufficient but passages rather stringy. Much fermentation. Color not good. More confined to bed. Mass in abdomen unchanged. Second Koch Treatment given.

February 10, 1925: Reports of definite reaction up to third week with fever and nausea. Report from Doctor B. gives evidence of remarkable gain.

March 8, 1925: Normal formed bowel movements. Nothing coming from colostomy wound. Tube removed and allowed to heal in. Weight shows eight pounds gain, with appetite largely restored. Blood and urine normal.

The following letter from the husband, Doctor B., aptly describes the condition of the patient at this time:

May 6, 1925.

“Dear Doctor Field,

According to promise I am writing you about my wife. I have a surprise for you, and here it is. On yesterday she had a very normal stool at least three or four inches in length, at least an inch in diameter, and well formed. This to me bears out your statement of her improved condition, and I firmly believe the growth is absorbing.

My wife is now visiting her daughter in Washington. I saw Doctor C. W., the Washington surgeon, a few days ago and told him of our results, and incidentally asked him about letting the aide close up and he said certainly, but ‘we must have been wrong in our diagnosis.’ What do you know about that!

With best regards,

I am, Very truly yours,

D. B. B.”

CASE III. Mr. Henry R.. Carcinoma of Sigmoid. —About one year ago patient noticed that his bowels were slowing. That is, he began to be constipated. This condition gradually increased until the latter part of May when he began to have rectal pain. He became very constipated, and would fill up with gas. Relieved only with enemas and cathartics, which would help the condition from twelve to twenty-four hours. Conscious of a mass causing obstruction in the lower left side. Diagnosis of malignancy of sigmoid was made.

Early in June went to Wesleyan Hospital in Chicago, and had five X-ray treatments, the last treatment being on June 10, 1924. No improvement. Remained about the same state with a little lees pain until September 2, 1924, when he went to Detroit and was given treatment by Doctor Koch. At this time a mass following the line of sigmoid apparently 4 x 6 inches was palpable. Growth apparently fixed on outer border and nausea was caused by pressure. Patient slightly anemic and of an ashy-gray color. In the following four weeks improvement was rapid. He did not even use enemas or cathartics. During the past month began to become constipated and again has had to use enemas and cathartics. No pain, but feels distress at times. Normal weight, 180. At time of treatment by Doctor Koch his weight was 180. Gained back to 143 at end of first month. Present weight 189. Appetite good. When bowels do not move has considerable indigestion. Second Koch Treatment administered November 5, 1924, by Doctor Field at the Radium Institute of New York. Mass in lower left border of abdomen about three inches in diameter, and apparently holding back fecal matter, which was accumulated, in considerable quantities above. Patient’s general condition improved, with weight about normal. Appetite good.

February 16, 1925: Patient examined and no evidence of mass found. Condition excellent. Considerable tendency towards fermentation present. Patient is normal so far as bowel action is concerned. Actively engaged in business. Discharged as cured.

May 1, 1925: Patient reports splendid health, with no symptoms of note.

CASE IV. Mr. John H. Referred by Dr. R. H. Shanahan, of Yonkers, New York. Gastric and Duodenal Carcinoma—Aged 42, occupation plumber. Parents alive and well. Two brothers and one sister alive and well. No malignancy in family. Normal weight about 138, present weight 116.

Suffered from indigestion for over ten years. Failing in health rapidly during past year. In May 1923, operated on by Dr. Robert Shanaban, who suspected a serious gastric ulcer. An inoperable mass of malignant structure was found, involving the duodenum and glands behind the stomach. Diagnosis of carcinoma confirmed by laboratory. Gastro-enterostomy was performed and a bad prognosis given. After stormy period of convalescence patient became fairly well and gained weight. June 15, 1923, weight was 127 pounds. Since the operation complained of frequent pain and vomiting with general gastric disturbance. General history showed three weeks of improvement and three weeks of setback. Confined to bed six weeks.

March 1, 1924: Examined by Doctors Field and Benedict, with Doctor Shanahan. Distress more acute. Excessive vomiting. Apparently unable to keep down even water. Confined to bed. Given enemas of milk sugar and nothing permitted by month. After four days was given water and then sugar solution by mouth. Physical condition very poor. Weight 122 pounds and losing rapidly. Case classed by entire staff as hopeless of any known treatment. Examination showed a palpable mass extending across center of abdomen over an area of six inches and downward to one inch above the umbilicus. Kidney elimination fair. Hemoglobin index 70 percent.

March 14, 1924: Koch Antitoxin 1 cm. administered with suitable dietetic regulations. Colonic irrigations suggested.

March 29, 1924: No Special reaction outside of tonic influences reported. No temperature or body discomfort. Free from pain. Increase of strength and appetite marked. Semi-solid food and meat juices taken liberally. Weight 139% pounds. Patient out of bed and fairly active.

April 14, 1924: Patient reports feeling well. Food intake still semi-solid and taken freely. Some referred pain due to fermentation, but no tendency to vomiting. Weight steadily increasing to 142% pounds. Solid food advised with more care of bowels. Blood count materially improved.

May 27, 1924: Weight holding stationary. Reports pain developing during past week over stomach area and extending around to right side beneath liver. Solid food causing distress was discontinued. Liquid diet with meat juices ordered. Second Koch antitoxin dosage of 1 cm. administered.

September 26, 1924: Patient reports feeling strong. Has been working as foreman plumber for five months. Still has pain radiating over stomach but no vomiting. Weight holding good.

December 6, 1924: Patient reported as well.

CASE V. Mrs. B. S. J. Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix. In the early part of January, 1924, began to be bothered with pain in the left groin, dull in character, did not radiate. Between periods would have a little spotting. Pain gradually became worse, being sharper in character, and moved up just below left lower rib. Went to family physician, who advised radium treatments.

In June 1924, was referred to the Mayo Clinic, where a diagnosis of carcinoma of the uterine cervix was made. Doctor Bowing, of the Mayo Clinic, gave four radium and four X-ray treatments. These treatments seemed to relieve the pain in the groin, after which it appeared beneath ribs. Husband was informed of the seriousness of the situation, and that no assurance could be given that there would not be a prompt recurrence. Prognosis bad. Normal weight 118, before radiation 113, went down to 106 after radiation treatment. Appetite and digestion good. Bowels regular. Three children, youngest eight years old. All normal deliveries. Laceration reported with no repair operation. Profound exhaustion followed the X-ray treatments with some nausea and lack of circulation to the extremities.

Patient referred to the Radium Institute for Koch Treatment by Dr. Z. F. Atwell, of Canton, Ohio, on September 20, 1924. Present condition show the patient anemic and a slight tendency towards cachexia. Examination showed wide and flat cervix with nodules of suspicious type. No active areas noted. Marked tenderness under free border of ribs on both sides, more intense on left side. Blood analysis showed red cells 8,200,000. White cells 4100. Urine showed a trace of albumen. Uterus moderately enlarged with no fixation. Tenderness marked on lower left side of abdomen. Two small gland masses mapped out to left of uterus. Although there was no absolute evidence of malignant recurrence, the Koch Antitoxin was advised as a prophylactic measure.

September 23, 1924: Koch Antitoxin 1 cm. administered and acid-free diet ordered.

December 9, 1924: Following ten weeks of mild reactions patient reported as improved physically, with no disturbing symptoms. Weight increasing almost to normal 114 pounds. Appetite good. Still some abdominal pain associated with fermentation.

February 3, 1925: Report: pain continuing with some loss of resistance. No serious symptoms. Blood analysis taken at Mercy Hospital gives red cell count 4,040,000; white cell count 4600. Hemoglobin index 70 percent. Slight increase in pale area of red cells was reported.

May 20, 1925: Patient improving in weight and general physical condition, and symptom-free.

Favorable outlook assured.





*Read before the American Association for the Prevention and Cure of Cancer,

Atlantic City, N. J., May 27th, 1925.

Cancer, Vol. 24: July 1925; pp. 350-360.

As a result of over twenty years’ careful study of cancer, during which time many hundreds of sufferers with this disease have come under his care, it is the writer’s opinion that there are in the United States, at the present time, over one million people actually suffering with cancer, who are in need of care and treatment; that there are over five million in the potential stage of this disease; that there will be at least two hundred and fifty thousand deaths from cancer in 1925, and due to its rapid increase it will, in the years to come, claim millions of victims.

At the present time, the medical profession frankly state that the cause of cancer is unknown, and that when the disease has spread beyond the areas first involved, the possibility of curing the sufferer through the use of surgery, X-ray, radium, escharotics, or electro-therapeutic means, even in the hands of those of the highest skill, is exceedingly remote.

The profession should, therefore, be interested in any measure tending to relieve or cure such a class of cases.

It has for many years been the writer’s opinion that, until those using the methods referred to above realize that the sufferer must be treated constitutionally as well as locally, success in a very high percentage of their cases will never follow their efforts, for they cannot be cured until the cause and all the elements of which the cancer consists have been removed from their body.

During these years be has, therefore, interested himself in the treatment of cancer as a constitutional disease and has made a careful investigation of treatments which have been suggested by the profession based along these lines.

In the early part of November, 1920, Dr. W. Wallace Fritz, of Philadelphia, and the writer, were invited by Dr. William F. Koch, who at that time was professor of Physiology at the Detroit Medical College, Detroit, Michigan, to visit his laboratory and discuss with him his treatment for the cure of cancer, a report of which had previously appeared in the New York Medical Record of October 30, 1920.

Doctor Koch, who is a Bachelor and Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy, had received his degrees front the University of Michigan, where he had been assistant Physiologist from 1909 to 1911, at which time he became an instructor of Histology and Embryology, which subjects he taught up to 1914. He then became Professor of Physiology at the Detroit College of Medicine, from which he received his M.D. degree, and where he continued to teach up to 1919.

In 1914 he was appointed and still retains the position as consulting pathologist to the Women’s Hospital of Detroit.

In referring to his treatment for the cure of cancer, Doctor Koch stated “it was a result of ten years of extensive research work, which had been originally conducted in his laboratory to determine the functions of the parathyroid glands, whose duty he had proved was to protect the body from the effects of certain toxic poisons.”

In 1917, Paton working in the Research Laboratories at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, confirmed Koch’s previous findings, for which he was awarded the Triennial Prize by Harvard University. Doctor Koch further stated that, “as a result of this research work, he had definitely determined that cancer is a result of a germ infection, that it is an hereditary, constitutional, infectious disease from the moment of its inception, and that the millions suffering with cancer furnish sufficient evidence to prove that the infection is widespread;

“That he has also proven that it was the toxins of this germ which acted as the exciting stimulus to cell growth, and that the development of the cancerous growth is merely an attempt by the body to protect itself against the action of these toxic poisons which are circulating in the blood stream;

“That he had found that the cells of the cancerous growth also produced a toxic material which, when it was isolated and injected, into animal controls, resulted in the appearance of certain specific actions which showed they were affecting the nerve centers in the brain, which controlled this optic and auditory nerves as well as acting upon various nerve centers in the spinal cord.

In referring to the development of his treatment, Doctor Koch stated that, as a result of a careful study of the chemistry of the stimulus toxin and the toxic material thrown off by the cancerous growth itself, he had finally succeeded in identifying the structure of their active groupings, which indicated the type of change which was required to develop a successful antitoxin by which the germ, its toxin, and the toxic material of the growth could be destroyed;

That he had proved that antitoxins are not, as the Ehrlich theory states, new substances built up from the tissue to neutralize the toxin of the germ causing the infection, but are converted toxins, a result of the shifting of certain essential groupings in the electronic structures of the toxin, which change is known as isorrhopesis; that after this shifting of the electrons has taken place, the changed toxin can still combine with the toxin of its original source, the infecting agent, and induce further chemical changes within its structure which causes its death and thus brings immunity to the sufferer.

This changed toxin can also induce further isorrhopesic changes in the molecules of the toxin already liberated from the infecting agent producing therefore more antitoxin. The toxin is, therefore, the material from which the antitoxin is manufactured, and it is for this reason that toxin-antitoxin mixtures are much more efficient therapeutic agents than antitoxin alone.

Nature continuously tries to convert the toxins elaborated by the germ and the cancerous growth into antitoxin, but its effort is inadequate, and the sufferer is unable to respond to the continued withdrawal of their vitality and eventually succumbs.

The function that the cancerous growth, therefore, attempts to perform is to convert these toxins into antitoxins and establish immunity.

Doctor Koch stated, “that after four years of extensive and intensive research work in the bio-chemical laboratory in which chemistry of the most delicate nature was involved, he had finally succeeded in developing a synthetic antitoxin (not a serum) which had proved to have been successful, by curing sufferers in the advanced stages of cancer.”

The electronic structure of the synthetic chemical used in the treatment which acts as the converter of the toxin to antitoxin is of such a nature that it is a late intermediary phase, which automatically passes into the antitoxin stage as a result of which complete conversion of toxin into antitoxin takes place.

Doctor Koch stated, “that it is possible under certain electronic influences to act upon this converter in such a manner that the intermediary structure of the antitoxin can be changed back to toxin, but that the electronic structure of the completed antitoxin is such that it can never be changed back to toxin.”

He stated, “that the treatment was a difficult and delicately prepared compound, which required great accuracy in the proportioning of the active groupings for correct energy distribution, and required weeks of laboratory work to complete;” “That on account of its unstable nature, be was unable to prepare it for distribution, as a result of which we wore unable to obtain a supply of same.”

Since the above date, the writer has made several visits to Doctor Koch’s clinic, where he has been given full opportunity to personally examine over two hundred of his cases, and he has also corresponded with a large number of patients, who have received this treatment, and during this time Doctor Koch’s original findings have been proven to have been absolutely correct.

With few exceptions, the cases, which have received this treatment, are of the type in which surgery, X-ray, or radium show approximately 100 percent failures, and include such cases as cancer of the brain, tongue, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, intestines, abdominal and pelvic organs, uterus, bladder, prostate gland, and the extensive types of rectal cancer.

Through the use of the Koch Treatment, cases of the above classes have been cured, and are still in perfect health, from one to six years after having received treatment.

In about one-third of these cases, the clinical diagnosis of cancer had been substantiated by microscopic examination of the tissue and the reports from men of unquestioned reputation as experts in pathology, while the hospital and private medical records have justified a true diagnosis of this disease, in all other cases.

Among the most important results associated with a study of a large number of cases treated by Doctor Koch is the interpretation of the findings previously worked out on the animal controls, which have shown them to have been premonitory symptom of the disease, which are referred to by Doctor Koch as the pre-growth symptoms, and which are called to the attention of the profession for the first time in medical history, for they have never been referred to in either the current or special literature relating to this subject. These symptoms are so definite that, after the sufferer’s history has been obtained, it is often possible to tell them when the growth was first noticed and, when they are given the serious consideration to which they are entitled, thousands of lives will be saved by the physicians’ having their patients treated in the early stage of the disease.

In a series of 400 cases, which have been closely studied by Doctor Koch, in fully 95 percent the prevailing disturbances, of which the patients had complained prior to the discovery of the growth, showed there had been an interference with the normal function of the optic and auditory nerves and the nerve tract in the spinal cord.

These symptoms varied in their modes of manifestation. One of the most constant symptoms referred to was the various disturbances of vision. Many of the patients stated they had suffered over periods of year with so-called attacks of indigestion associated with migraine or bilious headaches during the attacks of which they would temporarily lose their eyesight, or it would become blurred.

Others stated that all object looked at became hazy, or wherever they looked they persistently saw objects similar to pins and needles. Others stated they would suddenly become blind and run into things.

Many stated that blinding flashes of light or flying bodies or spots danced before the eyes, or various-colored light would travel across the field of vision in a zigzag line. Other cases stated that, after turning out the light at night or when they awakened in the morning, they had dizzy spells. In the former cases, if they turned on the light and looked steadily at one object, it relieved them. In the latter cases, they were relieved by closing their eyes.

Some cases stated that there was a partial loss of control of certain muscles, as a result of which they were unable to talk, walk or properly use their hands or feet and the gait became unsteady. In many of these cases this condition was associated with anxiety and mental confusion.

Other forms of pre-growth symptoms were peculiar abnormal sensations, in which the sufferer stated that in certain parts of the body there was a feeling as if they were being burned, or they were being pricked with pins or needle, or as if insects were crawling beneath the skin; others complained of a sensation of tingling in the fingers, hands, arms and tongue, or a trembling or twitching in various sets of muscle a of the upper arms or legs.

Other cases stated that they had suffered with dizziness or vertigo of such a character or degree that they would lose their balance, and it frequently bad been necessary for them to sit down during the attack. These attacks were frequently associated with various disorders of hearing, as ringing of bells, or hissing noises, similar to escaping steam, or as if water were running.

Others stated they had suffered with attacks of weak spells, usually associated with a complete loss of control of the muscles of the lower extremities, as a result of which they would suddenly drop to the ground as if dying, but would not lose consciousness. Sufferers with cancer of the stomach, liver, large intestines and pelvic organs, frequently gave a history of having suffered with various forms of skin diseases, especially eczema associated with itching in various parts of the body, but especially around the anus (pruritus ani).

In some cases changes took place in the pigment of the skin, while in others there were swellings of both the internal and external lymphatic glands characteristic of Hodgkin’s disease. Other cases stated that for years they had suffered with various types of rheumatism, neuralgia, or neuritis, associated with the loss of sensation in certain areas of the body, and a paralysis of one or more groups of muscles.

The close relationship between rheumatism, gout, and cancer has been called to the attention of the profession, by many writers.

Many of the cases who were found to be suffering with cancer of the large bowel and rectum stated that without any apparent cause the bowels had become constipated, which condition continued for various periods of time, to later be followed by attacks of diarrhea or the passing of mucus and blood from the rectum.

In about 2 percent of the cases studied, the histories showed the patient had suffered with symptoms suggestive of a distinct mental derangement which had been incorrectly diagnosed, as paranoia, a mental condition in which the patient suffers with delusions regarding one subject, as having committed an unpardonable sin or of poisoning food, or he had suffered with spells of melancholia.

The histories then showed that after the patient had suffered with these symptoms for various periods of time, they partially or entirely disappeared.

It was during the time in which these symptoms were not so prominent that the cancerous tumor was growing and neutralizing the toxic material given off by the cancer germ, thus the cancer activity resembled the action of the parathyroid gland, which neutralizes and removes toxic material from the blood. So long as the tumor mass continued to grow, it could partially or wholly neutralize this poison and thus control these symptoms.

Within a short period of time after an attempt was made to remove the growth by a surgical operation or by other methods, the patients stated that the former symptoms reappeared. When the growth reoccurred, and was able to again partially or wholly neutralize the toxic poisons, these symptoms again also partially or wholly disappeared. .

With few exceptions, up to the present time, the treatment has never been administered, except by Doctor Koch, himself. The privilege of representing his work in the Eastern States, for which he is deeply grateful to Doctor Koch, was granted to the writer on November 24, 1924.

Since that date it has been given to eighty-five patients under his care, who were suffering with cancer of various types, and in various stages of the disease from the most advanced and on their deathbeds to those whose condition is such that they are still able to continue their vocation.

One of the most advanced and desperate cases of cancer of the stomach and liver, who received this treatment, is clinically cured, with every evidence of cancer, having disappeared. Another advanced case of cancer of the intestines (ceacum) is also clinically cured.

Thirty-six cases are progressing favorably. Twenty-seven cases have not had the treatment for a sufficient length of time upon which a report can be based.

It has been impossible to secure any information regarding eight of the cases, which were treated in this series.

Twelve cases, which were in the most advanced stages, associated with heart and kidney complications, have died. Seven had been previously subjected to several operations, heavy X-ray or radium treatments.

In a careful and thorough study of the histories of these cases the writer has been able to secure in seventy-five a clean-cut description of practically every type of pre-growth symptoms previously referred to, covering periods of from one to thirty years prior to the physical or visible manifestation of the growth, which fully verifies Doctor Koch’s findings.

The treatment, which is a clear and colorless synthetic compound, is administered by hypodermic injection. The location selected for administration is the upper part of the arm. The amount injected is one cc. Many cases are cured by two treatments. In others, a third or fourth is necessary. The period between the first and second injection is twelve weeks. If necessary, the third and fourth treatment is given after an interval of several months.

After the injections, reactions consisting of fever, nausea and vomiting may develop at different periods. They are due to changes in the concentration of the toxins circulating in the blood. They may appear for a few hours from the second to the fourth day; from the fourth to the sixth week; about the middle of the ninth week; and during the twelfth week.

The first reaction is due to the rapid decrease in the circulating toxins; the second to the absorption of the material of which the growth consists and the liberation of it stored toxins. The last two are the result of the withdrawal of the last traces of the toxin.

Frequently some anaphylactic effects are present, due to the absorption of bacterial toxins, a result of secondary infection. In some cases, the growth temporarily becomes larger and there is an increase in all symptoms including the pain. In other cases, the growth rapidly becomes smaller and the pain and all other symptoms disappear. Very often a case clears up with little or no reactions.

As soon as the casual infection, its toxin, and the toxin’s of the cancer cells are destroyed by their own antitoxin, the cells immediately undergo calcification and digestion, became normal and assume their original electrical polarity.

The cancer material of which the growth consists then revert back to the same element as were taken from the blood in the progress of its growth, which material is absorbed and goes to again nourish the body, and as the result of the in-growth of angioblastic tissue, parts which have been destroyed, causing conditions such as recto- and vesico-vaginal fistulae, are again healed.

In the cases, which are extremely exhausted, before treatment is administered, or where there is an extensive malignant mass to be absorbed, or where heart and kidney complications are present, these patients frequently do not survive the toxic periods.

Cases, which have had heavy X-ray or radium treatments, do not respond so satisfactorily to the treatment as do those who have not received the same.

During the past six years Doctor Koch has proven his treatment to have been equally as effective in sarcoma and epithelioma as in carcinoma. His records show an average of 80 percent permanent recoveries in the most advanced cases, and a much higher percentage when the cases are seen in the earlier stages of the disease.

Other very important uses of the treatment are for diagnostic purposes, where the presence of the disease is suspected. If the disease is present, its use will be followed by the reaction referred to above.

For prophylactic or immunizing purposes it is used as a preventative in the development of the disease in those now in the potential stage, or where other members of the family have died as a result of the same. During the time the patient is under treatment, they are not allowed foods or liquids containing acids. Morphine is used to control pain, enemas to keep the bowels active, and large amounts of soft drinking water to assist the activity of the kidneys and skin, and they are put on a vegetable diet.


Doctor Koch’s work is based upon: First. —The identification and isolation of the organism and its toxin, which originally causes cell stimulus. Second. —The identification and isolation of the toxin, elaborated by the cancerous growth. Third. —The successful synthesis of the substance that can convert the toxins of the disease into its antitoxin within the body, thus accomplishing the work, which the cancer growth attempts to do.

After a very thorough and careful investigation of Doctor Koch’s work during the last four and a half years, it is the writer’s opinion that he has come nearer to the solving of the cancer problem than any other man with whose work he is familiar, and no person can fail to be convinced of the unusual merit of the Koch Treatment, if he will make an honest investigation of same, for it combines every property which a successful treatment for cancer must meet.

The advantages associated with its use are as follows:

First. —Through its use as a means of diagnosis in doubtful cases, it can be of the greatest service in determining the presence of cancer in its incipiency before it manifests itself locally.

Second. —It is both selective and specific. It not only destroys the germ which is the cause of the disease, but it also causes a complete disintegration of it results, the cancer mass and its metastases, while through its powerful antitoxic action, it continues to neutralize the toxemia resulting there from until all the elements of which the cancer consists are removed from the body and blood stream, with the result the sufferer is cured.

Third. —Neither the location of the disease or the existence of secondary metastases affects the success associated with its use.

Fourth. —It is effective in all types of cancer, carcinoma, sarcoma, and epithelioma.

Fifth. —There are absolutely no harmful effects following its use.

Sixth. —It can be used for prophylactic purposes in preventing the development of the disease in those who are now in the early latent stages.

Seventh. —Its use means the saving of millions of lives and an end to one of the greatest scourges of humanity.



KOCH: Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1912, Vol. XII, p. 313.

KOCH: Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1913, Vol. XV, pp. 43-63

KOCH: Journal Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 1916, Vol. 10, p. 299.

PATON: Quarterly Journal of Physiology, 1917, Vol. I, No. 3 and 4.

KOCH: Journal Medicine and Surgery, January 1918, Vol. I, pp. 1 to 9.

KOCH: Detroit Medical Journal, July, 1919.

KOCH: New York Medical Record, October 30, 1920.

FIELD: “The Limitations of Surgery and Radiation Therapy in Cancer Accentuate Interest in Systemic Treatments”

Cancer, July 1924, Vol. I, No. 4, p. 270.

KOCH: “The Function of Cancer” Cancer, October 1924, Vol. II, No. I, p. 15.

FIELD: “The Koch Treatment of Cancer” Cancer, October 1924, Vol. II, No. 1, p. 21.